Helpmate’s housing case managers work with some of the most vulnerable survivors who are experiencing or are at risk of homelessness due to the abuse they have suffered.

Who do we serve?

Helpmate works with our community to eliminate abuse and fear by providing safety, shelter, and support for victims/survivors of intimate partner domestic violence.

Housing case managers work with some of the most vulnerable survivors who are experiencing or are at risk of homelessness due to the abuse they have suffered. We work with survivors to help them identify, obtain and afford safe housing in the wake of domestic violence. Connecting with community partners, landlords, employment and childcare resources, housing case managers assist survivors in rebuilding stable homes for themselves and their children. Depending on need, survivors can also receive deposit, utility and ongoing rental assistance to secure and maintain safe and affordable housing.

Resources + Support:

  • 24-hour Hotline, 
  • Emergency Shelter, 
  • Individual and Group Counseling, 
  • Housing Supports, Child & Family Advocacy, 
  • Case Management,
  • Court Advocacy, 
  • Prevention Education & Outreach
Helpmate Success Story

Success Story!

The partnership with BRAC and Helpmate provided a survivor of domestic violence and her three children with an amazing opportunity to be housed after being homeless and couch surfing for three years. The survivor moved into a beautiful three bedroom duplex in Asheville. When the case manager called about the opportunity, the survivor drove past the house and called back crying saying “it is so cute, I believe this would be so perfect for my family – I cannot believe my prayers have been answered.” Helpmate provided ongoing rental assistance funds so this family had a great housing opportunity that she would not have been able to afford without the rental assistance.

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Buncombe Rental Assistance Collaborative is led by

And made possible with the generous support of